Icephorm is an online marketplace that unites sellers and buyers from around the world, giving buyers access to a wide range of women and children's fashion as well as gifts and home décor. In addition to these brand new items on Icephorm’s main site, Icephorm’s Pre-Loved Collection invites sellers to recycle new or used items that they no longer need - helping the environment and earning at the same time.
Icephorm believes that all sellers and buyers should treat each other with the utmost respect, irrespective of race, creed, colour, or disability, etc..
Icephorm will remove items that:
- The seller does not have the right to sell;
- Are made from or contain/promote controlled substances. This includes (without limitation) items made from real fur (including passing it off as fake fur), items including alcohol or tobacco; and items made from ivory;
- Do not meet relevant safety standards, or are otherwise unfit for the purpose for which they are advertised;
- Are intended to de-fraud or mislead buyers;
- Express political or offensive views;
- Promote, support or glorify acts of physical or sexual violence against individuals or groups;
- Promote off-site sales or other services;
- Have been manufactured using unethical practices such as child or slave labour;
- Include inappropriate or copyright protected images.
- Infringes copyright or trademarks, including, but not limited to, imitations of branded items;
- Attempts to de-fraud or mislead other users;
- Expresses political or offensive views;
- Promotes, supports or glorifies acts of physical or sexual violence against individuals or groups;
- Promotes off-site sales or other services;
- Lists for sale, items that have been manufactured using unethical practices such as child or slave labour;
- Includes inappropriate or copyright protected images.